Thanks to Sonja at Thinking of Drinking for letting me know about this week's theme for Mixology Monday.
I'm submitting a cocktail that I worked on at the request of a dear friend of mine who wanted to have a cocktail made in her dearly departed cat's honor.
This wasn't designed to be a strong drink. I went more in the vein of a spritzer, or even something similar to a Pimm's Cup. It was designed to be tasty, complex and still refreshing.
So, without further ado, the Purring Schubie cocktail:
0.5 oz Meyer Lemon juice
0.5 oz absinthe (I used Leopold's for it's light, fruity aroma and flavor)
1 oz Sazerac rye
1 oz gin (Plymouth or Voyager)
4 oz dry ginger ale (preferably Fever Tree)
healthy dash of Angostura bitters
Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass with plenty of ice and stir until chilled. Split the mixture between two cocktail glasses. Lemon peel to garnish.
Another version calls for Green Chartreuse in replacement of the absinthe. It adds a more savory and peppery flavor and overall feel. I actually prefer it to the absinthe based one, but they are both tasty. Due to its spicier character, that version has been coined 'Schubie is pissed'.
Love, love, love the cocktails and the article. Thanks again, Brian, for creating this in Schubie's honor.